About POFL

Financial literacy is understood as the ability of an individual or the general populace to understand some of the most basic and critical elements of finance . These include but are not confined to daily money management, savings , Credit management, insurance, risk management, Budgeting and financial planning. Financial Literacy specifically refers to imparting in the general populace the set of skills and knowledge that will allow them to make informed and effective decisions on their finances ; decisions that will ensure sustainable cross generational benefits; that will help overcome existing socio-economic inequities. To this effect achieving financial literacy for the largest segment of the Indian population is today recognized as one of the pillars as well as one of the biggest challenge for achieving Financial inclusion in the country . Keeping this in mind we invite all of you out there; who are contributing and interested in contributing to the arena of financial literacy; to join with us on this platform to collectively push forward the boundaries of imparting financial education to poor segments of Indian society.