Shri Ravalghadi Ravalnath SHG group consist of 12 members. Each member contributes Rs. 100/- per month and as per guidelines the group opened savings account on 13.08.2003 at Bank of India Branch, Nachinola. Eatables and tailoring unit was the first venture of the group. Members of SHG meet on 6th of every month at 4pm, to discuss important issues such as monthly Monetary transaction; activities performed and scheme of Government etc. Each member takes great interest by sharing responsibilities. Group also participate in the social and other family welfare programmes. The members are interlarding their funds and regularly pays to the group meeting by which the contribution of Self Help group in day by day increases.
After nine months, the Self Help group is linked with bank to get the assistance of credit facility an amount of Rs. 30,000/- from Bank and Revolving fund subsidy of Rs.10,000/- from DRDA-North on 1.11.2004 for interlarding among the group members. The DRDA has given the training to the members through GIRDA, Old Goa on the maintenance of record and accounts of the group and also gave training for making of papad and pickle. Their group selected viable project, for purchase of Agricultural Eatables and tailoring etc. The group has received training like how to market and assess the quality of products. The bank sanctioned a loan amount of Rs.58000/- .After receiving the loan they gained confidence of the job they had undertaken and put in all efforts to make it a success which was a dream for them.
The group members are getting good profit after selling open market and the members have also participated in various exhibition organized by DRDA office. The group members, mostly from BPL families pay regularly monthly installment and are happy and satisfied of their present situation, when they compare themselves to the days in which they had no savings. Their income started gradually increasing. Today Shri Ravalghadi Ravalnath SHG has become a symbol of unity. And other BPL families got encouragement to come forward to form such groups. In the Nachinola village, now a total of 5 groups have been formed under SGSY Scheme. The change today in this village and surrounding village is very positive . And large members of SHG, from economically poor background have now prepared themselves to break the barriers for their economic and social empowerment.
Source:-Ministry of Rural Development(Govt. of India)
Success story of I.A.Y beneficiary of Bicholim Taluka
Mr.Gangaram Y.Naik once attended the meeting held by T.A (DRDA) , the said beneficiary explained his condition. T.A (DRDA) gave the information of scheme which could help him to improve his living condition. The beneficiary immediately applied for the assistance under I.A.Y scheme. The file was submitted to DRDA (North) and his case was sanctioned and Ist installment Cheque of Rs.12500/- was released to him. he took up the construction work in prescribed time limit and forwarded request for 2nd installment & 3rd installment which was released to him after inspection by T.A DRDA & EORE. The beneficiary completed his house.
The success story of Shri Gangaram Yeshwant Naik is and example to the people who belongs to unorganized sector. If people take inspiration and encouragement from the said beneficiary , they could too improve their living condition. The Govt. through various schemes especially under I.A.Y is putting efforts to support the community to improve the standard of living.
Success story of Jaisantoshi Self Help Group, Mulgao, Bicholim, Goa
All the members of above established group with maximum amount of Rs100/- required fees per months of saving bank account presented the sum to the bank office, Branch Bicholim. The amount accumulated to the credit of the such amount of the members. The basis for which the Bak has sanctioned and disburse a certain amount of loan to start their own business namely viz. purchase and sale of coconuts, vegetables fruits jewelry & Tailoring etc. thus the members started their business activities daily drawing the loan from the bank and keeping the installments undefault of the loan granted to them. The DRDA has also sanctioned and disburse an amount of Rs.10,000/- to the group. The amount received from the DRDA has been totally depended to the credit of the savings bank account of group. The Group has also avail such facilities from the bank giving a profit in the business and established under the schem. Subsequently it is decided by the group to have a subsidized profession of jewelry in addition to the above business activities. Involving in the jewelry activities the group avails a loan of Rs.3,00,000/- from the Bank for performing business activities towards gaining the profit. Thus the group had gain an amount of Rs.90,000/- profit. Contrary the repayment of installment of loan obtains is regularly done without commutating any default for performing activities we have raised it total finance from the business undertaken.
Bhoomla Khedi one of the village under Chanchoda block of the district is getting fame as a first ever bio village of the state. The project is being developed by Rajiv Gandhi WaterShed Mission under drought eradication development programme.
The basic aim behind this project is to establish a bio village, which uses bio techniques to improve not only crop production but also get the quality, crop free from the harmful pesticides.
Firstly the local soil was minutely examined for the presence/absence of various elements and suitability of soil for type of crops. The farmers were advised about the elements required for the soil to get a better crop. The soil was tested for the presence of quantity of Zinc, molybdenum, magnesium, magnese, iron and copper. Besides these soil was also examined for nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium. Based on these tests reports farmers were guided accordingly about the type of crop most suitable for the soil. The treated seeds were given to the farmer and after that NADEP fertilizer were used. The seeds were being treated to make them free from fungus, germs and bacteria
Fifteen NADEP pites were formed in Bhoomla Khedi. These NADEP pites were further improved with slight modification. They were treated with fungus named "TRICODERMA" along with garbage, soil and cow dung. This makes soil/fertilizer ready in 60 days instead of usual 90 days period. Use of bio technique resulted in production of onion, papaya, zira, ajwain and crops with clinical aroma like citronela, lemon grass and meath. Besides traditional crops like wheat, soyabean and dhaniya. The results were astonishing and the production was almost double then it used to be in previous years.
The most important thing was that no chemical insecticide is being used. An equipment is placed in the center of the fields, which attracts the insects, and they are automatically caught in that instrument. The price of this instrument is also nominal.
The production of crops with clinical aroma started but the problem was how to extract the oil from it. As the oil is the main source of income for the farmers. An instrument was prepared at a nominal cost in consultation with local farmers and project officer of the micro water shed mission. The problem of extraction of soil was solved. The farmers are now happy, as the concept of Bio Village has brought prosperity in their lives.
Shri Prasad, one of the farmers of village Naipura under Chanchoda block is having five bigha of total land of which three bigha is irrigated and remaining is not irrigated. He was facing hardship of life due to water scarcity and decreasing down water level. He somehow manages an electric pump but the same does not served the purpose because of low ground water level. The pump was able to suck water only for 10 minutes. Under these circumstances he was unable to irrigate his land properly and production was obviously low. He was in a hand to mouth situation with old parents, wife and three children dependent on his earning.
Many works related with treatment of soil started here in village under Rajiv Gandhi Watershed Mission. The effect of this measure was visible during the next rainy season as water level of the wells closed dramatically and now he could easily get the water supply through the electric pump for more than two hours. The adequate water was available not only for his five bigha of land but also for five to seven bigha of the neighbor farmers. He was also able to earn from this. He became the member of self-dependent squad of water shed mission. He was given loan of Rs. 6000 to purchase seeds. He developed a nursery of thousands of plants including seasom, papaya, mango and eucalyptus etc. He has earned Rs. 36000 through this nursery and plants worth Rs. 12000 are still available for selling. He has also paid some installment of his loan and his planning to raise nursery of one-lakh plants and also wish to work on clinical aromatic plants.
Shri Prasad is one of the example of hundreds of farmers who has been benefited by the assistance given to the self dependent squad for preparing nurseries under Rajiv Gandhi Mission. The economic condition is improving with a march towards prosperity.
The basic aim behind this project is to establish a bio village, which uses bio techniques to improve not only crop production but also get the quality, crop free from the harmful pesticides.
Firstly the local soil was minutely examined for the presence/absence of various elements and suitability of soil for type of crops. The farmers were advised about the elements required for the soil to get a better crop. The soil was tested for the presence of quantity of Zinc, molybdenum, magnesium, magnese, iron and copper. Besides these soil was also examined for nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium. Based on these tests reports farmers were guided accordingly about the type of crop most suitable for the soil. The treated seeds were given to the farmer and after that NADEP fertilizer were used. The seeds were being treated to make them free from fungus, germs and bacteria
Fifteen NADEP pites were formed in Bhoomla Khedi. These NADEP pites were further improved with slight modification. They were treated with fungus named "TRICODERMA" along with garbage, soil and cow dung. This makes soil/fertilizer ready in 60 days instead of usual 90 days period. Use of bio technique resulted in production of onion, papaya, zira, ajwain and crops with clinical aroma like citronela, lemon grass and meath. Besides traditional crops like wheat, soyabean and dhaniya. The results were astonishing and the production was almost double then it used to be in previous years.
The most important thing was that no chemical insecticide is being used. An equipment is placed in the center of the fields, which attracts the insects, and they are automatically caught in that instrument. The price of this instrument is also nominal.
The production of crops with clinical aroma started but the problem was how to extract the oil from it. As the oil is the main source of income for the farmers. An instrument was prepared at a nominal cost in consultation with local farmers and project officer of the micro water shed mission. The problem of extraction of soil was solved. The farmers are now happy, as the concept of Bio Village has brought prosperity in their lives.
Shri Prasad, one of the farmers of village Naipura under Chanchoda block is having five bigha of total land of which three bigha is irrigated and remaining is not irrigated. He was facing hardship of life due to water scarcity and decreasing down water level. He somehow manages an electric pump but the same does not served the purpose because of low ground water level. The pump was able to suck water only for 10 minutes. Under these circumstances he was unable to irrigate his land properly and production was obviously low. He was in a hand to mouth situation with old parents, wife and three children dependent on his earning.
Many works related with treatment of soil started here in village under Rajiv Gandhi Watershed Mission. The effect of this measure was visible during the next rainy season as water level of the wells closed dramatically and now he could easily get the water supply through the electric pump for more than two hours. The adequate water was available not only for his five bigha of land but also for five to seven bigha of the neighbor farmers. He was also able to earn from this. He became the member of self-dependent squad of water shed mission. He was given loan of Rs. 6000 to purchase seeds. He developed a nursery of thousands of plants including seasom, papaya, mango and eucalyptus etc. He has earned Rs. 36000 through this nursery and plants worth Rs. 12000 are still available for selling. He has also paid some installment of his loan and his planning to raise nursery of one-lakh plants and also wish to work on clinical aromatic plants.
Shri Prasad is one of the example of hundreds of farmers who has been benefited by the assistance given to the self dependent squad for preparing nurseries under Rajiv Gandhi Mission. The economic condition is improving with a march towards prosperity.
Bhoomla Khedi one of the village under Chanchoda block of the district is getting fame as a first ever bio village of the state. The project is being developed by Rajiv Gandhi WaterShed Mission under drought eradication development programme.
The basic aim behind this project is to establish a bio village, which uses bio techniques to improve not only crop production but also get the quality, crop free from the harmful pesticides.
Firstly the local soil was minutely examined for the presence/absence of various elements and suitability of soil for type of crops. The farmers were advised about the elements required for the soil to get a better crop. The soil was tested for the presence of quantity of Zinc, molybdenum, magnesium, magnese, iron and copper. Besides these soil was also examined for nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium. Based on these tests reports farmers were guided accordingly about the type of crop most suitable for the soil. The treated seeds were given to the farmer and after that NADEP fertilizer were used. The seeds were being treated to make them free from fungus, germs and bacteria
Fifteen NADEP pites were formed in Bhoomla Khedi. These NADEP pites were further improved with slight modification. They were treated with fungus named "TRICODERMA" along with garbage, soil and cow dung. This makes soil/fertilizer ready in 60 days instead of usual 90 days period. Use of bio technique resulted in production of onion, papaya, zira, ajwain and crops with clinical aroma like citronela, lemon grass and meath. Besides traditional crops like wheat, soyabean and dhaniya. The results were astonishing and the production was almost double then it used to be in previous years.
The most important thing was that no chemical insecticide is being used. An equipment is placed in the center of the fields, which attracts the insects, and they are automatically caught in that instrument. The price of this instrument is also nominal.
The production of crops with clinical aroma started but the problem was how to extract the oil from it. As the oil is the main source of income for the farmers. An instrument was prepared at a nominal cost in consultation with local farmers and project officer of the micro water shed mission. The problem of extraction of soil was solved. The farmers are now happy, as the concept of Bio Village has brought prosperity in their lives.
Shri Prasad, one of the farmers of village Naipura under Chanchoda block is having five bigha of total land of which three bigha is irrigated and remaining is not irrigated. He was facing hardship of life due to water scarcity and decreasing down water level. He somehow manages an electric pump but the same does not served the purpose because of low ground water level. The pump was able to suck water only for 10 minutes. Under these circumstances he was unable to irrigate his land properly and production was obviously low. He was in a hand to mouth situation with old parents, wife and three children dependent on his earning.
Many works related with treatment of soil started here in village under Rajiv Gandhi Watershed Mission. The effect of this measure was visible during the next rainy season as water level of the wells closed dramatically and now he could easily get the water supply through the electric pump for more than two hours. The adequate water was available not only for his five bigha of land but also for five to seven bigha of the neighbor farmers. He was also able to earn from this. He became the member of self-dependent squad of water shed mission. He was given loan of Rs. 6000 to purchase seeds. He developed a nursery of thousands of plants including seasom, papaya, mango and eucalyptus etc. He has earned Rs. 36000 through this nursery and plants worth Rs. 12000 are still available for selling. He has also paid some installment of his loan and his planning to raise nursery of one-lakh plants and also wish to work on clinical aromatic plants.
Shri Prasad is one of the example of hundreds of farmers who has been benefited by the assistance given to the self dependent squad for preparing nurseries under Rajiv Gandhi Mission. The economic condition is improving with a march towards prosperity.
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