1 FEB 2011
Teach for India History
In 2006, a group of young leaders working to reform education in India came together to seek an innovative solution to end educational inequity in the country. The group firmly believed that any change in the education sector needed to be systemic and that India needed to be infused with a large number of leaders who would work towards achieving educational equity for all children. During this time, the group met with Wendy Kopp, CEO and Founder of Teach For America (TFA), to discuss the feasibility of Teach For America’s Theory of Change working in India.
Seeking to adapt the Teach For America model to the Indian context, the group engaged with a number of stakeholders within the government, at academic institutions and at corporations and were encouraged by the favorable response they received. A few months later, a twelve week study was launched by McKinsey & Company to determine the feasibility of implementing this model in India. The study concluded favorably and at the end of the process, a plan to place the first cohort of Fellows as well as a plan to grow the movement to scale for the next five years was put in motion.
Teach To Lead was formally established in 2008 as a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to create a movement of leaders who will work to eliminate educational inequity in the country. Teach For India, a project of Teach To Lead, is a nationwide movement of outstanding college graduates and young professionals who will commit two-years to teach full-time in under resourced schools and who will become lifelong leaders working from within various sectors toward the pursuit of equity in education.
In June 2009, Teach For India placed its first cohort of Fellows in low-income municipal and private schools in Pune and Mumbai.
Teach For India Model
he Teach For India model will involve the following components:
§ Talent Sourcing: Teach For India recruits the most outstanding college graduates and young professionals to teach in low-income schools for two years. Fellows go through a rigorous selection process where they are evaluated for academic excellence, demonstrated leadership, a commitment to the community, critical thinking and perseverance, amongst other qualities. We believe that these core competencies are required to drive student achievement and to become life-long leaders who effect systemic change.
§ Talent Development: Prior to and during the two-year Fellowship, Teach For India provides Fellows with training needed to make them successful teachers in the classroom and to drive positive and significant student achievement. Fellows are also given adequate leadership training to ensure that they are successful leaders in any field once they complete the Fellowship.
§ Talent Placement: Teach For India places Fellows for a minimum of two years in full-time teaching positions in under-resourced schools where impact on student achievement can be maximized. Fellows have clear accountability for their classrooms, and are responsible for ensuring that their students reach their ambitious academic goals.
§ Alumni Support: Teach For India builds partnerships in all sectors to ensure that participants have a clear path to leadership after the two year commitment. Through the alumni network, alumni of the Fellowship, stay connected to each other as they work hard towards Teach For India´s mission.
§ Measurable Impact: Teach For India has set up systems to drive and measure our short-term impact on student achievement, as well as our longer-term impact in the development of our Fellows into life-long leaders who can eliminate inequity in education.
Contact Information:-
Teach For India
c/o The Akanksha Foundation
Voltas House 'C', T. B. Kadam Marg,
Chinchpokli, Mumbai - 400 033, India
Tel: +91 22 6518 2238
c/o The Akanksha Foundation
Voltas House 'C', T. B. Kadam Marg,
Chinchpokli, Mumbai - 400 033, India
Tel: +91 22 6518 2238
Website:- http://www.teachforindia.org
29 JAN 2011
Maharogi Sewa Samiti is a nonprofit organisation in Central India helping socially retarded people to enhance their livelihood capabilities through self-discovery and empowering them to contribute back to the society.
It was founded in 1949 by internationally known human rights activist Baba Amte, to better the plight of the marginalized leprosy patients and people with disabilities through treatment, training and active inducement in self managed communes. The unique approaches of individual development consists of helping the marginalized break free from the past and regain their lost sense of dignity by engaging in production oriented trades to let them live an economically productive life.
MSS has a firm belief in giving a 'Chance' and not just charity to the socially outcasts who have lost sense of self-respect. It gives them opportunities to self discover the worth of their hidden ability and thus eliminate their dependence on others.
Today MSS shelters rather unusual cohort of 3500 people spread in four districts of Central India consisting of leprosy patients, people with disabilities like the hearing and, visually impaired and orthopaedically handicapped, orphans, senior citizens and socially backward people like tribals. MSS aspires to make each of its differently-abled inmates self-reliant by imparting value based training thus enabling them to live their life with dignity.
MSS work on wide spectrum of activities ranging from provision of basic healthcare and rehabilitation, development of land and water resource, enhancement of incomes and sustainable livelihoods, imparting formal and vocational education and sensitization of youth on environmental and socioeconomic issues. MSS strives to couple innovative tools and technology with the above activities for environment friendly means of coexistence.
MSS has been a pioneer in medical treatment and rehabilitation of leprosy patients in the world. Till date around 80 thousand people have benefited through its activities. It is fast becoming a focal point from where the quintessence of new paradigms of social work and developmental activities is spreading far and wide. The institution has grown over the last five decades to become an internationally renowned institution and perhaps the largest community of leprosy afflicted and people with disabilities in the world.
- Help socially retarded people to enhance their livelihood capabilities through self-discovery and empower them to contribute back to the society.
- Create a self-sufficient, democratic village community of socially retarded people through harmonious blending of science and technology with indigenous techniques.
The mission of MSS is to enable the social rejects through 'Creative Humanism'. With following objectives in mind, MSS is forging ahead towards a bright future.
- Discover a unique approach that would integrate the socially retarded people in the society, giving them new outlook and purpose in life and help them to look forward with assurance and courage to the future.
- To empower socially retarded people to fight prejudice, sarcasm, loneliness and hatred with self-respect, confidence and perseverance;
- To promote development of intra-disability and inter-disability relationships for nullifying the factors like social stigma, ostracism or sympathy offered to them on the account of their handicap.
- To sensitize the society towards the problems of socially retarded elements and promote a healthy outlook.
- To secure the redress of the grievances of needy people through negotiation, reconciliation, arbitration and if necessary, social action.
- To prevent the deterioration in natural resources and environments through local community awareness campaigns.
- To develop and transfer of eco-friendly technologies suitable for rural and urban societies.
Via Warora, Dist. Chandrapur,
Maharashtra State
Pin: 442 914
Phone: 07176 - 282034, 282425
Fax: 07176 - 282134
e-mail: anandwan@gmail.com
People for Animals was founded in 1994. By Pritish Nandy and Maneka Gandhi, two people were convinced that India needed a people's movement to stop cruelty towards animals and spread the message of ahimsa. Nandy, poet and journalist, now a member of the Indian parliament became the first managing trustee. Gandhi, writer and politician, minister of environment and forests in the Indian Government, a crusading activist for the cause of animals, was the chairperson. Together they produced a television show called Heads & Tails which brought the cause of animals centrestage. Heads & Tails later became a cult book and its author, Maneka Gandhi went on to receive some of the highest awards in the world for her pioneering work among animals.
People for Animals is today one of the world's most active animal rights organisation.
Objectives and Strategies
To Protect
The purpose of PFA is to act as a strong network of compassionate, committed and courageous people who will protect animals against cruelty and work to bring about a change in attitudes, laws and lifestyles towards improving conditions for animals around India.
Create Infrastructure
Upgrade and establish facilities for animal rescue and rehabilitation such as shelters, ambulances, mobile clinics and helplines.
Influence Policy
Act as a pressure group to bring about environment and animal-friendly legislation.
Ensure Implementation
* Become part of official regulatory agencies to check and report violations.
* Take direct action through units to protect animals and punish offenders.
Educate and Sensitise
* Conduct a school contact programme. Introduce animal welfare either as a school or extra-curricular activity.
* Promote and produce media (radio, television, print, internet) programmes on animal related issues.
* Conduct training workshops for lawyers, police, vets and animal owners.
* Produce books and expert guides on animal care and related issues.
* Partner with influential community leaders and opinion makers.
Advance the Movement
* Liaise with animal welfare groups both nationally and internationally.
* Support financially or otherwise deserving animal welfare initiatives.
* Provide career opportunities in animal welfare.
Promote Vegetarianism
* Educate on health, environment and economic costs of animal-based choices.
* Source and promote animal-free alternatives.
* Enroll celebrity spokespersons to popularise cruelty-free choices.
Achieve Financial Stability
* Diversify fundraising from event-based strategy to other avenues.
* Forge strategic corporate partnerships.
Website:- http://www.peopleforanimals.org
24 JAN 2011
Dhan Foundation
Development of Humane Action (DHAN) Foundation, a professional development organisation, was initiated on October 2, 1997. It brings highly motivated, educated young women and men to the development sector. They would make new innovations in development to root out poverty from the country, in thus achieving the Mission of the organisation.
Building people and institutions for development innovations and scaling up to enable the poor communities for poverty reduction and self-reliance
The broad purposes for which DHAN stands are:
Mothering of Development Innovations: The institution intends to promote and nurture new ideas on development themes such as microfinance, small scale irrigation, dry land agriculture, and working with Panchayats which can impact on poverty in a significant manner.
· Promoting Institutions to reach scale: Exclusive thematic organisations will be promoted to takeup development work with a sub-sectoral focus. The primary role will be to promote and ensure that quality benefits reach a large number of poor.
· Human Resource Development: The institution would bring young professionals into the development sector and give them an opportunity to practice and develop relevant knowledge, attitudes and skills needed for long term work.
The principles guiding DHAN are
- Engaging high quality human resources to work at the grassroots. The focus would be to enable the poor, not deliver services.
- Valuing collaboration with mainstream institutions and Government to demonstrate new and effective intervention to link them with the people.
- Promoting people’s organisations to ensure entitlements and to build an effective demand system to promote people’s interest.
- Promoting livelihoods to address the issues of poverty directly.
- Enriching the themes and retaining sub-sectoral focus as a strategy for growth.
- DHAN Foundation is always a pioneering development institution to build poverty-free, gender-balanced,equitable, ecological-sensitive, democratic, just and value-based inclusive society. It creates freedom of choice to the families, groups and community to determine and develop the meaning of their lives, their identities and their life styles for the well-being of their life.
- DHAN Foundation opens new frontiers for better humanity and would build scalable, cost effective and sustainable innovations for self-reliance.
- DHAN Foundation will always be acknowledged as a leader in institution building for poverty alleviation. It would be trend-setter in grassroots development with people governance and management.
- It will be occupying its legitimate space in policy making forums to shape the macro-environment to the realities of grassroots and serving development community by disseminating good practices. It will shape thousands of development professionals to make millions of poor live with dignity and right livelihood. DHAN Foundation will foster alternative paradigms with social entrepreneurship and collective leadership.
- It will be respected for its role in unleashing the potential of the poor and guiding them through their movements by building new institutions for achieving significance. It will promote networks, alliances on development ‘causes’ with relevant stakeholders – Academia, Civil Society, Government, Business houses, Professional networks, Media, Financial institutions and other resource institutions – at national, regional and global environment.
(Development of Humane Action)
18, Pillaiyar Koil Street
Madurai - 625 010
Tel: +91-452-2610794,2610805
Fax: +91-452-2602247
Email: dhan@md3.vsnl.net.in, dhanfoundation@dhan.org
Website: http://www.dhan.org
Madurai - 625 010
Tel: +91-452-2610794,2610805
Fax: +91-452-2602247
Email: dhan@md3.vsnl.net.in, dhanfoundation@dhan.org
Website: http://www.dhan.org
18 JAN 2011
PRADAN is a voluntary organisation registered under the Societies Registration Act of India.
Established in Delhi in 1983, PRADAN was pioneered by a group of young professionals, all of whom were inspired by the conviction that individuals with knowledge resources and empathy for the marginalised must work with communities at the grassroots in order to help them overcome poverty.
PRADAN believes that the path towards conquering economic poverty is through enhancing the livelihood capabilities of the poor and giving them access to sustainable income earning opportunities. In the process, the poor must be enabled to break free from their past, develop an alternative vision of their future and set achievable goals. They must be equipped with the technical, organisational, negotiating, and networking skills that will facilitate the fulfillment of their goals.
Today, some 268 highly motivated and skilled professionals under PRADAN’s fold are working in the remote villages of India, immersing themselves directly with target communities. These young professionals are recruited from universities and hold specialised degrees in subjects like management, engineering, agriculture, and the social sciences.
PRADAN professionals, divided into 41 teams, work with over 206,298 families in 4,138 villages across eight of the poorest states in the country. A majority of the families that PRADAN works with belong to the Schedule Tribes and Schedule Castes.
PRADAN believes that the path towards conquering economic poverty is through enhancing the livelihood capabilities of the poor and giving them access to sustainable income earning opportunities. In the process, the poor must be enabled to break free from their past, develop an alternative vision of their future and set achievable goals. They must be equipped with the technical, organisational, negotiating, and networking skills that will facilitate the fulfillment of their goals.
Today, some 268 highly motivated and skilled professionals under PRADAN’s fold are working in the remote villages of India, immersing themselves directly with target communities. These young professionals are recruited from universities and hold specialised degrees in subjects like management, engineering, agriculture, and the social sciences.
PRADAN professionals, divided into 41 teams, work with over 206,298 families in 4,138 villages across eight of the poorest states in the country. A majority of the families that PRADAN works with belong to the Schedule Tribes and Schedule Castes.
PRADAN seeks to enable poor rural families to live a life of dignity.
Impacting Livelihoods to Enable Rural Communities
PRADAN seeks to enable poor rural families to live a life of dignity.
Impacting Livelihoods to Enable Rural Communities
PRADAN follows a four-pronged approach to achieve its goals:
· Promoting and nurturing Self-Help Groups (SHGs) of poor women and strengthening them as organisations to leverage institutional finances for members’ livelihoods.
· Developing and introducing locally suitable economic activities to increase productivity and incomes among SHG members; building synergic collaboration with a wide variety of stakeholders.
· Mobilising finances for livelihood assets and infrastructure from government bodies, donors, banks, and other financial institutions.
· Setting up mechanisms to sustain the livelihood gains made by the poor communities.
Challenged by the abysmal poverty of millions of people across India, PRADAN has resolved to reach out to 1.5 million poor people in the next 10 years as a part of its vision, PRADAN 2017.
Challenged by the abysmal poverty of millions of people across India, PRADAN has resolved to reach out to 1.5 million poor people in the next 10 years as a part of its vision, PRADAN 2017.
Post Box No.3827
3 Community Shopping Centre
Niti Bagh
New Delhi-110049
Tel: 011-26518619, 26514682, 26528534, 41640611
E-mail: headoffice@pradan.net
Post Box No.3827
3 Community Shopping Centre
Niti Bagh
New Delhi-110049
Tel: 011-26518619, 26514682, 26528534, 41640611
E-mail: headoffice@pradan.net
17 JAN 2011
Bethany PROFILE !!
Bethany Society is a not-for-profit, secular, registered, charitable Society established in Mendal, East Garo Hills, Meghalaya in 1981, under the inspiring leadership and vision of Sister Rosario Lopez.
Bethany dream……
Of an earth fully alive, where everyone enjoys fullness of being.
Of an earth fully alive, where everyone enjoys fullness of being.
Bethany work towards this by…….
Forming partnerships with people, communities and resources so as to create opportunities which empower, enhance dignity and lead to security of health, food, livelihoods, and shelter in a sustainable manner.
Forming partnerships with people, communities and resources so as to create opportunities which empower, enhance dignity and lead to security of health, food, livelihoods, and shelter in a sustainable manner.
Bethany work with…….
People in vulnerable situations such as persons with disabilities, children, youth and women living in extreme poverty, particularly in remote rural areas.
People in vulnerable situations such as persons with disabilities, children, youth and women living in extreme poverty, particularly in remote rural areas.
Bethany strategy is…….
- To organize programmes on disability which are inclusive, barrier free and rights based, using the Community Based Rehabilitation ( CBR ) and Institutional approach.
- To create sustainable livelihoods, particularly among rural communities, through application of appropriate technology and promotion of micro-enterprises
- To develop an attitude of stewardship towards the earth among ourselves and our clients.
- To create and join networks for greater impact.
Bethany work across……
Northeast India, but the major focus of our interventions is in Meghalaya
Northeast India, but the major focus of our interventions is in Meghalaya
Mr. Carmo Noronha, Executive Director ( Shillong )
Lady Veronica Lane, Laitumkhrah, Shillong - 793003
Ph: 0364-2210631
M: 09436119808
Email: bethanyngo@rediffmail.com
http://bethanysociety.in/14 JAN 2011
The majority of India's population resides in semi-urban and rural areas, whereas most of the healthcare facilities are in metro and urban areas. Vaatsalya intends to eliminate this gap in health inequity by creating India's first network of hospitals exclusively in semi-urban and rural areas and bringing urban healthcare facilities and services to non-urban areas.
Vaatsalya's goal is to integrate efficient healthcare delivery practices with community based health plans and bring affordable, efficient and standardized medical services to semi-urban and rural India. Vaatsalya will redefine healthcare in India by creating the largest primary and secondary care healthcare network in the country, with special focus on preventive care.
Vaatsalya identify locations with approximately 1-2 lakh population which have the need for healthcare facilities and build a hospital in the area. Vaatsalya also identify local doctors or doctors who are willing to relocate to these areas and organization equip and staff these hospitals.
Vaatsalya provide affordable healthcare services to thousands of families across Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh through our hospitals in Hubli, Gadag, Bijapur, Mandya, Raichur, Hassan, Mysore, Gulbarga, Shimoga, Vizianagaram (AP) and Narasannapetta (AP)
The action north east trust (the ant) is registered as a Public Charitable Trust, based in Chirang District of Assam, India.
Works at 2 levels - directly with village communities in villages of Chirang district north of Bongaigaon town and indirectly as a resource to organisations in other parts of northeast India
Vision: A peaceful world where there is love, respect and dignity for all.
Mission: To work towards sustainable and holistic development for rural and poor voiceless communities mainly in the northeast.
Core values Contact Information:-
Mission: To work towards sustainable and holistic development for rural and poor voiceless communities mainly in the northeast.
Core values Contact Information:-
the action northeast trust
Udangshree Dera
Vill Rowmari, PO Khagrabari (via Bongaigaon)
District Chirang (BTAD)
Assam 783380 INDIA
Phone: 91-3664-293802/293803
email: contact@theant.org
Udangshree Dera
Vill Rowmari, PO Khagrabari (via Bongaigaon)
District Chirang (BTAD)
Assam 783380 INDIA
Phone: 91-3664-293802/293803
email: contact@theant.org
11 JAN 2011
In a world where issues right from domestic violence to global warming are discussed with equal fervor, there is scant attention to the basic need of clothing. Over the last ten years GOONJ has grown as a mass movement among the urban and rural masses, mobilizing cloth and repositioning it as an important resource for rural India rather than wastage fit only for charity. Today anyone irrespective of educational, income, social or cultural background, is becoming a part of this movement.
Making clothing a matter of concern as a basic need..Mission
Re-positioning cloth and other underutilized material, beyond charity, adding dignity and turning it into a big resource for development. Spreading the idea beyond geographical boundaries so that world over people think of clothing as a basic need and a subject to work on..Objective
Spread awareness about the concept at a level so that anytime an urban household thinks of disposing off reusable material it should have a channel to reach it to the most needy.
Website:- http://www.goonj.org
Website:- http://www.goonj.org
10 JAN 2011
PanchSheel Social Welfare Society is one of the best social development non government agencies in Uttar Pradesh. It was founded in the year 1991 with the vision of `Supporting the over- all development of all the People of Uttar Pradesh. Its mission is to assist initiatives in the voluntary sector to achieve this goal with the involvement and participation of people. Organization’s primary objectives also encompass promotion of Maternal Health and Child Survival, Neonatal Health, Nutrition and Breast Feeding, Tuberculosis, Financial Inclusion Programme, SHGs Development Programme Door-To-Door Survey, Family Planning, Women Empowerment, Panchayat Empowerment, Environmental Sanitation & Water Supply, Legal Aspects of Health, social justice and human rights related issues to the provision and distribution of health and social development services in Uttar Pradesh.
Working Area:-Agra, Mathura, Aligarh, Firozabad, Hathrash, Mahoba, Maharajganj, Kashiram Nagar, Jhanshi(345 Villages)
8 JAN 2011

Sanchayan is a ngo dedicated exclusively to spreading financial literacy and awareness among the youth and adults from low-income background. Sanchayan conducts free workshops for the underprivileged youth on topics ranging from the basics of banking, credit cards and PAN cards to the investing in shares and mutual funds, so that these youth can become financially aware and also a part of the mainstream banking and financial services industry. Sanchayan's Mission is to create a financially literate India, leading to a financially secure society, wherein each person has access to basic banking and other financial services.

Contact Detail:-
Ms. Chidambara Sagarchidambara@sanchayansociety.org
+91 98105 72277
Mr. Avik Kedia
+91 95602 28484
Office address: Sanchayan do not have an office.Sanchayan work in the community, among the community and for the community.
Working Area:-Agra, Mathura, Aligarh, Firozabad, Hathrash, Mahoba, Maharajganj, Kashiram Nagar, Jhanshi(345 Villages)
Contact Detail:-2, Mathuria Bhawan, Lohagarh, Post- Kalal Kheria Distt- Agra (U.P.) 282006
Mobile Number:-9410253395 ,9410253395
8 JAN 2011

Sanchayan is a ngo dedicated exclusively to spreading financial literacy and awareness among the youth and adults from low-income background. Sanchayan conducts free workshops for the underprivileged youth on topics ranging from the basics of banking, credit cards and PAN cards to the investing in shares and mutual funds, so that these youth can become financially aware and also a part of the mainstream banking and financial services industry. Sanchayan's Mission is to create a financially literate India, leading to a financially secure society, wherein each person has access to basic banking and other financial services.

Contact Detail:-
Ms. Chidambara Sagar
+91 98105 72277
Mr. Avik Kedia
+91 95602 28484
Office address: Sanchayan do not have an office.Sanchayan work in the community, among the community and for the community.
7 JAN 2011
The Ekta Mahila Mandal runs a Special Study Centre of IGNOU (New Delhi) in Doda (Jammu and Kashmir) under the name of Al- Fallah College of Higher Education . Over the time it has been in existence the institution has fulfilled the educational needs of students in the region by creating new standards of Academic excellence in the remotest area of the state.
Contact Details
Ekta Mahila Mandal,
Doda H.O.
Near Dessa road,
Doda District,
Jammu And Kashmir - 182202
Mobile Number of contact person: +919906316756
6 JAN 2011
Aastha Welfare society
The mission of the Aastha welfare society is to educate Special children in term of general
behavior, academically and professionally .
In this regard the Aastha welfare Society aims to provide basic amenities to special children , perseveres to educate others in society to adopt such children and strives to educate them as
to how they can help to eradicate such type of deformity before the birth of children.
Contact Detail-
Aastha special school,
Near GPO,
Pucca Tank,
Nahan District
Sirmour (H.P) 173001;
Email: aasthanahan@gmail.com
Mobile Number 9418035001; Landline Number:-0172-223945
5 JAN2011
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Veena Pathak |
Mrs. Veena Pathak was inspired in 1989 to form a social welfare organization names "Veena Vadni" in then city of Taj Mahal, Agra, that would serve those poor children's & women's living in such situations. She formed a committed team of social workers, to to good work in the field of Education, Rojgaar, Self Help, Old age home, Short Stay home, Choke Training, crèche program, Medical & Health.
Contact Detail:-
Flat No. 4,
Anand Complex, ARaja Mandi, Agra
Mobile and landline Numbers:- 9906316756, 0562-3298228,0562-3268359

Aarambh provides free quality education (moral values too) to the deprived sections of the society. Deprived are those who are not able to get education because of:
· · Poor financial condition
· Lack of infrastructure
· Parents/Students disinterest e.g. gender discrimination
· Bad quality of education in existing schools
Aarambh is an NGO which supports quality education in rural india. It was founded by a team of dedicated software professionalls with the belief that Education is the real necessity of society and everyone should obtain it with no one being deprived of quality education merely because of a lack of resources. The founders of Aarambh believed that education (including moral education) is the only solution that can help our society break the deadlock between poverty, illiteracy, unemployment, population explosion, crimes and other such problems.
Contact Detail:-
G/8, Sector-12,
G/8, Sector-12,
Website:- www.aarambh.net
To extend your support to Aarambh, call at 9899506061
I never knew that there were such NGO's at the ground level engaged in doing work that involves not large scale but social transformation. This is a good effort on behalf of POFL to bring these NGO's and the work that they are doing to the limelight. I am sure that with dissemination of such information more people will know about these organizations and also come forward to support the work that they are doing for people at the bottom of the pyramid. I am looking forward to know about more such organizations and more such initiatives at the grassroots.
ReplyDeletei am an aspiring management student. the awareness that there are such orgzns in India doing such great work has actually inspired me also to do something for the people who are less fortunate and to contribute. I would like to know about more such orgazns and the work they are doing so that i too can tell people i know about them and hence get them their due recognition. Thank you for teh effort and all the best!
ReplyDeleteThanks for introducing these oraganization to all of us. The idea is very bright!
ReplyDeleteHey, pofl seems like a good platform to know about ngos work...:)
ReplyDeleteThere are many NGO's working in India to help boosting the Indian economy by providing there initiatives and supports. These are at micro as well as macro levels, and acting as a catalyst for growth in Indian Economy. Everybody can help at there own level, I found POFL as the helping hand for such organization to spread the awareness. Specialty of POFL is to include the wide range of the domain of NGO’s but scaling at a common (financial literacy) level. One can choose NGO’s to help, at there area of interest and feasibility. Thanks to POFL to provide such important information to its readers.
ReplyDeleteIt's very interesting to read about NGOs which has been working since ages to bring change in the society.Many times the stories of such ngos don't get publicity by the media and their work in not known to people at other parts. Intiatives like POFL will act as a plateform in bringing out the stories of small ngos and encouraging their work thereby promoting the cause of development.
ReplyDeleteLast year in TISS I got the opportunity to meet Anshu Gupta.The work he has been doing is amazingly great.It's sad to know that still in India there exists a section of society who have to draw warmth from newly dead bodies because they don't have a cloth to protect themselves.I never realised about the importance of 'a piece of cloth' before hearing about the stories of females who used sand during their menstruation period as they hardly had a rough cloth,the sanitary napkins in India are so expensive that the marginalised section of society living on streets cannot even think of purchasing it.
ReplyDeleteLet us come togather and donate our clothes to such organisation which will actually make someone's winter a warm and 'a happy winter'.:)
there are in India many large organizations that hardly do any work and numerous small organizations who find it difficult to stay afloat at the end of the day but still do work that in the larger picture makes the bigger difference. While the bigger organizations gobble up space on TV at primetime and have large spaces bought in magazines and print media the smaller organizations struggle for survival - theor work unknown and unappreciated and each day a desperate struggle for resources needed to function. These organizations require a platform to express their work and effort so that the people behind them do not go unappreciated and the people they help can get greater resources allocated for them from those who want tog ive but do not know who to give to. POFL has taken a major step to ensure this and in that regard the POFL initiative is truly a pioneer!
ReplyDeleteIn addition to Priya's comment on Goonj.
ReplyDeletePlease find below the link to know the dropping centres of Goonj.
Hey Thanks for providing us information about these NGOs...Great job..:)
ReplyDeleteI appritiate and adore the work done by pofl team
ReplyDeleteRegards Amar..:)
its a very nice effort from your part..:)
ReplyDeleteIf you would create something,
ReplyDeleteyou must be something.
Thanks for providing us information about these NGOs..:)
ReplyDeleteNGOS in India
ReplyDeleteI like your blog post. Keep on writing this type of great stuff. I'll make sure to follow up on your blog in the future.
ReplyDeleteCharity in India